“There’s no one, contiguous, safe off-road path that’s going to take you from Dorchester to downtown, to your doctor’s appointment or your job, or any of the other things that you need to stay healthy, stay alive and stay paid.” – Noah Hicks, DotBike member and owner of Bowdoin Bike School
SEPTEMBER 2015, Boston Globe:
“I went to Home Depot, bought the mums that were on sale for $6, and then just put them down and walked away.” – Jonathan Fertig, DotBike member. Fertig said his act of tactical urbanism — a term used to describe a temporary measure that improves or transforms a city — was driven by motorists using the existing bike lane as a traffic turn lane, and the city’s sluggish efforts to erect plastic posts near the intersection as previously promised.
“We need more infrastructure to show both where to ride and to tell cars that bikes have actual permission to ride on the roads.” – Phil Lindsay, DotBike member
AUGUST 2014, Dorchester Reporter:
“Seeing people and families go on biking events together gives me hope and reassurance for the future in cycling. This is possible, this is easy, this is accessible, and this should be taken to its full advantage…I’d like to see Bowdoin-Geneva become a hub of family biking or subsistence biking with folks who are biking to survive like I was. That’s the kind of world I want to see.” – Noah Hicks, DotBike member and owner of Bowdoin Bike School

AUGUST 2014, Boston Magazine:
“We want more people to bike in Dorchester. Having free access to tools to fix a flat tire or adjust your brakes will help remove some barriers to biking.” – Dotbike
JULY 2013, Dorchester Reporter:
Philip Lindsay, an advocate for DotBike and long-time Boston bicyclist, said that Dorchester’s heavy use of public transportation would make it a perfect candidate for an extensive bike-sharing system. “Dorchester deserves what the rest of the city has,” he said. “We might be riding the wrong way down the street with no helmets,” he said, laughing. “But people here [in Dorchester] are interested in biking.”